Creative Profiles Map
The following map is one of the project deliverables planned in Work Package 2.
It represents an interactive and geo-localised map of the artists/creative organisations participating in the project, showing the profile of each creative organisation and color-coding them according to the creative group they are part of. The 5 color-coded creative groups formed will co-create a new production in transnational residency periods and, once finalized, their work will tour internationally.
The main elements of each profile fiche are:
- The name and the location of the organisation;
- The specific field of work and core activities;
- The scale ambition of working at international level and the level of cooperation required among actors involved;
- The composition of a desired partnership for co-production creation (only for field B)
- The facilities/services offered by the space for residency (only for field A)
Bunker (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Asini Bardasci (Montemarciano, Italy)
Collettivo Collegamenti (Senigallia, Italy)
Multimedijalni centar LED ART (Novi Sad, Serbia)
Centripeta (Marotta, Italy)
Zentralwerk (Dresden, Germany)
Teater Nu (Gothenburg, Sweden)
Malte (Ancona, Italy)
Teatar Mladih Mišolovka (Novi Sad, Serbia)
Fondazione Pergolesi Spontini (Jesi, Italy)
PotatoPotato (Stockholm and Malmö, Sweden)
AMAT (Pesaro, Italy)

Bunker (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Asini Bardasci (Montemarciano, Italy)
Collettivo Collegamenti (Senigallia, Italy)